
Explanation of the setting options for Shirtee

After you have opened the settings in the upload area of the tool, select MBA on the left of the Settings window.

Product Settings

When you click on the Product Settings button, a window will open showing you Shirtee's products. You can activate them, deactivate them, set a price and their selector ID from Shirtee. The selector is usually provided by LazyMerch but if you want to manually add products here, you might need to add a selector as well.

The product settings are from previous generations of our tool. They still work, but are only used when uploading without a Shirtee template name. We recommend you to create a product template on Shirtee and import your designs with this template name in the table sheet. This way the template products from shirtee is used instead of the product settings in LazyMerch.

Trademark Blacklist

This button will take you to the blacklist of Shirtee. It is designed to enter words that you want LazyMerch to warn you about. If you want to learn more about the blacklist, click here.

Advanced Settings

This drop-down box gives you the option to select some advanced settings for the upload. On Shirtee there is an option with the same name.

Auto Login and Relog

In the Auto Login and Relog section you can enter your login data to Shirtee, so that the tool can log you in automatically if you are logged out. You don't have to enter your data here and can enter it yourself in the browser when you start the upload. However, if you don't enter them, LazyMerch may not be able to continue during the upload if a relog is necessary. If you do enter them, be assured that the data is in good hands, as it will be backed up locally on your device and will not be transmitted to us or anyone else at any time.

Clear Image History

On Shirtee, all your uploaded designs are saved in the product design screen for future access. If Clear Image History is enabled, the old designs will be removed from this history.

Move Image

This pixel value moves your design along the Y axis. Positive values make the design move up the product after upload, negative values make it move down.

Copy And Paste Tags

If activated, your tags will be inserted all at once so that it only counts as one tag.

Last updated